Drama. I mean skits and plays, musicals etc. Never been a real fan of these, especially when they are trying to communicate Biblical truth. I usually cringe at the portrayals.
However, the play (musical) I just saw from Greenleaf studios and the only other production of theirs I viewed a while back blew me away. Been thinking of this latest effort (Ekklesia) ever since.
My understanding was that it was all original. Actors ranging from about 4 to 20 years old just thrilled me. The music and message were moving and the acting was not cheesy but talented and so was the singing.
There are always changes or additions to the Word in these kinds of productions. Never sits good with me. But this was terrific. I am opening up to the idea that communication of Gospel truths can be of various sorts which I once yawned or cringed at.
Not everything we do is Biblically appropriate for a Sunday morning worship service but it doesn't mean it is never appropriate. I was stirred by their efforts and by the truths they were proclaiming in the moving way in which they did so.
FYI, my favorite was Sabra. I'm getting a DVD.