Some time back I learned about the poem by Edgar Allan Poe called "The Raven." After some dialogue between the poet and this dark raven perched on a doorpost, who spouted only hopelessness, Poe asked this question, "Is there, is there balm in Gilead?" The raven's response was the same as it had been throughout the poem, "Nevermore."
When God's people went astray in the Old Testament He declared their impending judgment since they refused to repent. He described their hearts this way, "they we not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush." Jer. 7:12
Jeremiah (the weeping prophet) grieved and asked of God, "Is there no balm in Gilead" Is there no physician there?" Jer. 8:22 His question was one of hope. He was asking if, when God has broken them, will there be any healing?
As the pages of declarations go on, there is a hint of an answer to that exact question. "I will restore your health to you' and your wounds I will heal, declares the LORD." Jer. 30:17
We find similar language in the prophetic 53rd chapter of Isaiah in verses 4 & 5. Verse 4 ends, "with His stripes we are healed." The healing to look forward to for Jeremiah's people or for any of us is spiritual. It comes through the crushing of another for our sakes if we believe Him. And He arrives on the scene as God in the flesh, the man Jesus of Nazareth. He took the stripes I deserved and I am healed by faith in Him.
I love His balm. It is sweet to me.